Someone once said, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears!" Well, when it comes to today, I feel as though I have been ready my whole life! And I could not ask for a more beloved, sage, experienced teacher than Icelandic archaeologist Ragnar Magnússon; who graces our humble kitchen today with not only his vast knowledge of ancient history and culture, but this outstanding recipe brought with him on his travels from the remote Faroe Islands! A culinary expert as well as scholar, Ragnar takes the humble oat, a phenomenally nutritious grain popular in the harsh climates of Scotland and Scandinavia, and elevates it into a not-overly dense, moist cake that leaves you clamoring for more!
According to Ragnar, cardamom and cinnamon, the two spices utilized so beautifully in this cake, were introduced to Scandinavia by merchant, warrior Vikings who ventured as far as the wilds of Russia (inspiring the future name of this country from the name of one of their tribes, the Rus) and the exotic Silk Road. The addition of hazelnuts, walnuts and/or pecans into this recipe is yet another benefit of the wander-lust of these ancient "raiding and trading" peoples! Whether you be of their noble progeny or not, Ragnar and I both would like to wish you a day well-spiced and sweet with success! Happy baking!
For the cake, you will need: Það þarf
2 cups of water (2 bollar vatn)
1 1/2 cups of oats (1 1/2 bollar hafrar)
1 1/3 cups flour (1 1/3 bollar hveiti)
1 tsp cardamom (1 tsk. kardimomma)
1 tsp. baking powder ( 1 tsk. lyftiduft)
1/2 tsp. salt ( 1/2 tsk. salt)
3/4 cup packed brown sugar ( 3/4 bolli sykur)
1/2 cup butter (1/2 bolli smjör)
2 eggs (2 egg)
1/2 cup chopped pecans (1/2 pekanhneur)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (1/2 valhnetur)
fresh strawberries and/or raspberries ( fersk jarðarber og hindber)
For the sauce: (sósa)
1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract ( 1 matskeið vanilludropar)
2 Tbsp. brown sugar ( 2 matskeiðar púðursykur)
1 Tbsp. flour (1 matskeið hveiti)
1/4 tsp. cinnamon (einn fjórði kanill)
1 egg
pinch of salt (örlítið salt)
2 Tbsp. butter (2 matskeiðar smjör)
several Tablespoons milk (nokkrar matskeiðar mjólk)
Grease a 9-inch cast iron pan, set aside. In a pot, bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add the oats and a pinch of sea salt and cook until soft. (If the oat mixture becomes too thick too fast, add a little water at a time until just stirrable, but NOT runny). In a bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, cardamom, and salt. Combine the eggs, butter and sugar in a separate bowl, then gradually stir in spice/flour mix. Add the oats and nuts. NOTE: If desired, stir in about a cup of sliced strawberries and/or raspberries into the cake, leaving enough for a garnish. Pour the batter into your greased cast iron pan and bake at 350 F. for approximately 1 hour (depending on your elevation). Insert a toothpick into the middle of the cake: if it comes out clean, the cake is ready. Remove from oven and let cool 5-10 minutes before spreading on the sauce.
(Smyrjið pönnu með smjör. Sjóðið hafrana og örlítið salt í pott og leggja til hliðar. Blandið hveiti, lyftiduft, kardimomma, og salt saman í skál. Setjið egg, smjör og sykur í annara skál og blanda öllu saman. Setjið að lokum hveitið saman við (smjörið) og blanda öllu saman. Bæta við hnetum og berjum (eins mikið ber og þið viljið) og setja í pönnuna. Bakið í ofni í 1 klukkutíma (um það bil)
For the sauce:
In a pan over med-low heat melt the butter until just bubbly, then quickly whisk in the flour. While still stirring, add the milk until the ingredients are well-combined and consistency smooth. Whisk in the egg, cinnamon, sugar and salt. Cook the sauce over low heat, stirring constantly, until sauce becomes thick. Do NOT boil! Once the sauce becomes thick (roughly 7-10 minutes), add the vanilla extract, cook/stir another minute, then spread over the cake. Top with slices of fresh strawberries and whole raspberries, and an extra sprinkle of nuts for a finished effect!
Fyrir sósuna
Bræðið smjörið í pönnu, bæta við hveiti, mjólk, eggjum, vanilludröpum, syki, kanil og salt. Sjóða saman í 7-10 mínútur til að þykna, og dreifa yfir kökuna. Skreytið við ber og hnetur.