1 min read
26 Dec

Okay, folks...going forward in the grand old Viking Celtic Gaelic tradition and spirit of Inis's Arfur Shoppe...I decided to share one of my most prized family meal themes...celebrated throughout the Scandinavian world....a smorgasbord of traditional Viking treats! Wait for it now...(drumroll)...hold onto your horses kids(!!!) because before I tell you all just what is involved in this fun-themed meal, I have to let you know the history behind the word "smorgasbord". It's quite fitting actually, because, much to my surprise...the word actually comes from Sweden, one of the strongholds of Viking culture...part of the homeland so to speak! In short the definition of the word is a buffet. And that's just what it is...and it involves the following: (Yes, check out the picture below...it's one of my FAVORITE visual representations of this meal)...

1) Boiled/Seared Sheep Heads

2) Smoked Lamb Roast

3) Caramelized Sugar Mashed Potatoes

4) Mashed Rutabags (Boiled and Mashed with Salt and Sugar)

5) Pickled Beets and Red Kale

6) Fish Jerky with Butter

7) Fermented Ram Swingin' Steaks (Okay...for those who don't know what that means...yep, you got it...testicles!)

8) If your feel VERY heathen and adventurous...you can add fermented whale blubber, fermented shark and blood sausage to your menu

9) Mead or malted apple juice

10) Flatbread and/or rye bread

11) Headcheese

12) Liver Sausage

For the vegetable loving Vikings out there, add fresh sheep sorrel and creeping thyme as both a fresh herb salad and seasonings!

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