Trapped In an Ancient, Hostile World...Will They Ever Make It Home? For teenagers Bjorn, Tanya, Jesse and Lydia, life with their adopted father on his idyllic backwoods country spread is simple and as near perfect as any of them can get. Until one day, when their world is turned upside-down by the sudden and shocking reappearance of Tanya's long-lost brother Jason, who disappeared ten years earlier. Terror-stricken, he tells the family of a top-secret military base buried deep within a forbidden mountain, where an elite group of soldiers is harboring a powerful ancient secret. Intrigued, the four intrepid teenagers journey to the mysterious base; but when they arrive, they suddenly find themselves captured by the ruthless band of soldiers. Nothing can prepare the four unsuspecting friends for the dangerous adventure awaiting them with open jaws. Can each teenager brave the perils of a forbidden world and return in time...and unscathed? This is a 6" by 9" book, 293 pages. From her earliest years, Inis L. Fal inherited a love of history and storytelling. When she was seventeen she began writing her first book, When the Lion Roars, completing it three years later. In addition to writing and historical research, she studies foreign languages and archaeology, plays the ancient Armenian duduk, weaves pine needle baskets and tends her rural mountain farm. You may click on the link below in order to pay securely with, or contact Inis here on this site and receive an invoice directly to your email with a built-in payable link (paypal). Please remember to include your shipping information! LOCAL PICKUP (NO SHIPPING) PRICE: 18.95

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